Since 2002 : Researcher at Paris Sud University, working in the field of energy storage (batteries) / energy conversion (hydrogen) :
- electrode materials (syntheses and physico-chemical characterizations)
- electrode reaction mechanism (characterization and modeling)
- electrochemical kinetics
- impedance spectroscopy (reaction mechanism, state of health / system ageing, modeling, innovative experimental set-up...)
* +1800 citations on Science Citation Index ;
* 6 registred patents ;
* 1 exploitation license (new optimized electrode material for Li-ion batteries)
--> see ResearchGate webpage for more details (
Since 2004 : "energy" and "nanomaterials" expert for
- the french Ministry of research (MESR),
- the french ANRT industrial PhD grants agency (CIFRE contracts),
- the french ANR research agency (programs : Stock-E, Progelec, P2N, Chimie Durable),
- the European Science Foundation (ESF),
- the European Commission (programs : FP6, FP7, Horizon2020)
Director of Research at CNRS. She is working at the Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay (France). After receiving a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Universit8 Paris-Sud in 1990, she performed postdoctoral research at the University of Medicine of Sherbrooke (Canada). Her research unites various strategies for the development of synthesis methods for nanomaterials with specific applications (photocatalysis, fuel cells, nanomedecine). The goal is not only to enable the development of practical devices but ultimately unravel the guiding principles underlying the performance of a particular material. She is also devoted to dissemination of Science.
12/2011 - 1/2018
Group Leader (W2) at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in the Department of Frank Neese (Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy), work on the ORCA program package
Honorary Professor at TU Chemnitz, chair of "Computer Supported Quantum Chemistry"
8/2009 - 12/2011
Group Leader (W2) at the MPI für Eisenforschung in the Department of Martin Stratmann (Interface Chemistry and Surface Engineering), Düsseldorf, Germany
4/2004 - 8/2009
Junior Professor at the TU Chemnitz, Germany, establishment of a theory group at the TU Chemnitz, positive evaluation in 3/2007
7/2002 - 4/2004
Postdoc at the University of Princeton, USA and the University of Waterloo (move in 7/2003), Canada in the group of Prof. M. Nooijen on automatic code generation (Tensor Contraction Engine) and local correlation methods, work on the NWChem package
3/1999 - 6/2002
PhD at the University of Mainz in theoretical chemistry in the group of Prof. J. Gauss ''Coupled Cluster calculations of parameters of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy '', work on the ACESII / CFOUR package
8/1998 - 2/1999
Semester in Oslo, Norway, work on ''Implementation of Multiple Basis Sets in the DALTON Program Package'' with Wim Klopper in the group of Prof. T. U. Helgaker, University Oslo, Norway
Diploma thesis (''theoretical investigations on the isomerization of hexatriene'') in the group of Prof. G. Hohlneicher, University of Cologne
10/1993 - 4/1998
Chemistry Studies at the University Köln, Gemany
Venia legendi for Physical Chemistry at University of Heidelberg
Habilitation thesis: Laser-based imaging diagnostics for the measurement of concentrations, temperature and velocity in combustion processes and reacting fluids
Consulting Associate Professor, Stanford University
Head of group "Laser Diagnostics in Combustion" at University of Heidelberg, Institute of Physical Chemistry
Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. R. K. Hanson
Diploma in Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Prof. M. Kappes, Germany
PhD in Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, Prof. J. Wolfrum, Germany